Neurophysiotherapy is a specialist branch of physiotherapy dedicated to improving the function of patients who have suffered physical impairment caused by neurological conditions. It includes conditions like Stroke, Traumatic brain Injury/head Injury, Spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, Bell’s palsy, neuro degenerative diseases, Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases, GBS, Neuropathy and Nerve Injuries, Cerebellar Disorders and Ataxia, Myopathies Foot Drop and walking problems, Shoulder – Hand Syndrome/ RSD/ CRPS, Neuropathic and spinal Pain, Positional Vertigo (BPPV). These conditions result in the loss of movement, sensation, coordination, and balance. Other aspects of bodily function, such as perception, speech, memory, cognition, and behaviour may also be affected. The brain is able to both lose and form new connections, a phenomenon called neuroplasticity. Physiotherapy takes advantage of this phenomenon, helping the brain to form new synaptic connections. In effect, it rewires the brain to learn or re-learn tasks and abilities. Physiotherapy aimed at rehabilitating by working on posture, upper limb function, transfers, balance, physical capacity, and gait.